Saturday, March 12, 2011

Philosophy In Life

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
"For Japanese cuisine, salmon would be more enjoyable when they want to live in a state prepared for serving. Far more enjoyable than the salmon that have been preserved with ice.
That is why the salmon fishing gear always enter into an artificial pond for the prjalanan toward mainland salmon-salmon that remain alive.
It must be so in reality many salmon die in the artificial pond. How do they work around this?
The fishermen enter a small shark in the pond. Miraculous! Small sharks are "forced" salmon-salmon is constantly moving so as not eaten sharks. As a result the number of salmon that would be very little die!
Silence makes us die! Moving makes us alive! Perhaps that's a moral message about who can we catch dr gmbaran above.
What makes us silent? Currently there are no problems in life and when we are in a comfort zone.
Situations like this often make us complacent. Once terlenanya so we tidsk aware that we are dead. Ironic, is not it?
What makes us move? Problems, struggles and pressures of life. When problems come automatically make us brgerak our instinct is active and try how to overcome all life's struggles
At such times we usually will remember and hope to God. And we're being creative, developing self-potential we too become extraordinary!
Remember that we will be able to learn a lot in life is not a comfortable situation at the time, but just when we face the storms of life. 
Posted by janang charisma Subono

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